Top Menu

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Get the actual error message in SharePoint Site Page

In web.config change the following:

1. CallStack="false"

2. <customErrors mode="On" />

Now refresh the page to see the actual ASP.NET error message.



Monday, November 9, 2009

Security on SharePoint Website Controls with SPSecurityTrimmedControl

I came across a requirement while building a site in SharePoint 2007 where I have to display the left menu only to administrator and Thanks to Mark Wagner for his quick and to the point post on SPSecurityTrimmedControl.

What exactly I did was:

1. Open the Default.aspx in SharePoint Designer.
2. Select the left menu and then select Create Custom Content.
3. Arranged the tags as follow:

<asp:content contentplaceholderid="PlaceHolderLeftNavBar" id="Content2" runat="server">
<sharepoint:spsecuritytrimmedcontrol permissionsstring="ManageWeb" runat="server">

All the divs and HTML for the menu goes here.


Now the menu will only appear for users having administrator rights.
Note: Also, you can directly implement this in Master Page for hiding View All Site Content.

Official SharePoint Documentation

I have recently contributed to the official SharePoint documentation for developement. Check it out here: