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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

SharePoint 2013 is here

Yup...SharePoint 2013 Technical Preview has launched today. Woohoo.

Here is the documentation for SharePoint developers:

SharePoint 2010 - Join Two Lists (Child Parent Relation)

This article has also been published at NothingButSharePoint.

Description: This tutorial explains how to join two lists based on child parent relation without writing any code.

This post explains how to implement the child parent relationship between two lists/tables. Two lists will have one common field ID from Category list. Category.ID will act as primary key in Category list and will be used in Products list as a foreign key to match the items. Below diagram illustrate the relationship that has been implemented in the video.
Child Parent Relation

This technique can also be used in SharePoint 2007 via SharePoint Designer 2007 as explained in one of my previous posts. However the Data Source and Data View web part's menu options are little different.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

SharePoint 2010 - Implementing Search in a List (No Code)

This article has also been published at the NothingButSharePoint.

Description: This tutorial explains how to implement search functionality in a list without any code.

I recently had a requirement of implementing a search page for a List where user pass a search phrase via Query String (e.g. http://SharePoint2010:1000/Pages/Search.aspx?q=hello) and the search page will display the results from a List, based on that search phrase. I am excited to share the technique where one don't have to write a code to develop such page and everything can be taken care of easily via SharePoint Designer.

This technique can also be used in SharePoint 2007 via SharePoint Designer 2007. However the Data View web part's options are available on Data View context menu instead of the tool bar.

Here is the Page's code with text field and button to pass the search string to the Search.aspx page.
<script type="text/javascript">
function Redirect()
    window.location = "http://SharePoint2010:1000/Pages/Search.aspx?q=" + document.getElementById('Text1').value;

<input name="Text1" type="text">
<button name="Abutton1" onclick="Redirect();">button</button>

Official SharePoint Documentation

I have recently contributed to the official SharePoint documentation for developement. Check it out here: