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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Compare AD Properties to SharePoint UPA Properties

Scenario: I had a situation where I had to compare the properties of users from Active Directory to User Profile.

  1. Export all users from Active Directory to CSV. How?
  2. Export all users from User Profile Application to CSV. How?
  3. Compare columns between two CSV files using the PowerShell script (ADvsUPAValidation.ps1) below.
# Author: Tahir Naveed
# Created: Mar 13, 2014
# Modified: Mar 13, 2014
# Description:     
# This script compares AD properties with UPA properties for a user

function WriteLog
    Param([string]$message, [string]$logFilePath)
    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $message

$LogFile = "G:\PowerShellScripts\ADvsUPAValidation\ADvsUPA_Result.log"
$ADFile = "G:\PowerShellScripts\ADvsUPAValidation\ADexport.csv"  
$UPAFile = "G:\PowerShellScripts\ADvsUPAValidation\UPAexport.csv"

$ADProfileCount = 0
$ADUsers = Import-CSV $ADFile | sort sAMAccountName
$TotalADProfiles = $ADUsers.Count

ForEach ($ADUser in $ADUsers) 
    $ADProfileCount ++;

        # Search AD User in UPA
        $UPAUser = Import-CSV $UPAFile | where-object {$_.UserName -eq $ADUser.sAMAccountName}
        $Now = [System.DateTime]::Now
        $MSG = $Now.ToString() +  " | Working on "+ $ADProfileCount + " of " + $TotalADProfiles + " - " +$ADUser.sAMAccountName 
        write-host $MSG

        if(($UPAUser.FirstName -ne $null)-and($ADUser.givenName -ne $null)-and($UPAUser.FirstName -ne $ADUser.givenName))
            $MSG = "FirstName mismatch:"+ $UPAUser.UserName + ":UPA:" + $UPAUser.FirstName+ ":AD:" + $ADUser.givenName
            write-host -f red  $MSG
            WriteLog $MSG $LogFile
        if(($UPAUser.LastName -ne $null)-and($ -ne $null)-and($UPAUser.LastName -ne $
            $MSG = "LastName mismatch:"+ $UPAUser.UserName + ":UPA:" + $UPAUser.LastName+ ":AD:" + $
            write-host -f red  $MSG
            WriteLog $MSG $LogFile
        if(($UPAUser.PreferredName -ne $null)-and($ADUser.displayName -ne $null)-and($UPAUser.PreferredName -ne $ADUser.displayName))
            $MSG = "PreferredName mismatch:"+ $UPAUser.UserName + ":UPA:" + $UPAUser.LastName+ ":AD:" + $ADUser.displayName
            write-host -f red  $MSG
            WriteLog $MSG $LogFile

    catch [system.exception]
        $Now = [System.DateTime]::Now
        $MSG = $Now.ToString() + " | "+ $ADUser +" | Exp | " + $_.Exception.Message
        write-host -f red $MSG
        WriteLog $MSG $LogFile

    $User = $Null

write-host "Done."

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Official SharePoint Documentation

I have recently contributed to the official SharePoint documentation for developement. Check it out here: